EPN’s 18-month two-way student exchange microscopy training program provides students and faculty at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) and very high research activity institutions (R1) a structure to collaborate on EPN research projects while demystifying academia and training the next generation workforce of scientists and engineers.
Results from our efforts have taught us the importance of the following:
Rapport building among faculty, graduate student mentors, and undergraduate student mentees to build trust
Undergraduate student input in project planning to instill ownership and drive work ethic
Financial support to enable capabilities and sustained partnerships with PUI faculty labs
Undergraduate research at PUI faculty labs that culminates with a summer-long research opportunity on the same collaborative project in an R1 lab
18-Month Schedule
Spring Semester #1: Biweekly 1-hour Meetings
Week 1: Welcome Meeting and Overview of Program
Week 2: EPN Research Overviews
Weeks 3-5: Light Microscopy Discussions
Weeks 6-8: Electron Microscopy Discussions
Summer #1: Full-Time Research
Paid Research Lab Experience at Home PUI, including regular/extended visit(s) from R1 personnel
Research Presentations to EPN personnel
Fall Semester #1: Weekly 1-hour Meetings
8-week Fellowship Application Preparation for Summer Research Opportunities
Spring Semester #2: Biweekly 1-hour Meetings
Professional Development Training
Problem-Solving Learning Activities
Microscopy-Related Brainstorming Discussions
Summer #2: Full-Time Research
Paid Research Lab Experience at any EPN R1 Institution, or Paid Research Lab Experience at Home PUI, including R1 visits
At Least 1 In-person Research Symposium Presentation